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Home Overview Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software
Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software
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Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图 Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software截图
Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software
Wireframes for Desktop is a quick and convenient wireframe tool that drafts your user interface ideas, allowing everyone to be on the same page. It makes work interesting! Balsamiq Wireframes is a fast, low fidelity UI wireframe tool that allows you to recreate the experience of sketching in notepad or whiteboard while using a computer.
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Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software

Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software


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Quick and Easy Wireframe Tools

Draft your user interface creativity so that everyone is on the same page. It makes work interesting!

Balsamiq Wireframes is a fast, low fidelity UI wireframe tool that replicates the computer experience of sketching in notepad or whiteboard.

It does force you to focus on structure and content, avoiding lengthy discussions on colors and details in the later stages of the process.

Wireframe is fast: you will generate more ideas, so you can throw away bad ideas and find the best solution.

Zero learning curve that works when you need it

  • UI components and icons

Hundreds of built-in and community generated UI controls and icons.

  • Drag and drop simplicity

Assemble elements confidently, knowing that they can be implemented.

  • Export to PNG or PDF

Share or present wireframes online through images or interactive PDFs.

Optimized for speed wireframes with quick add and many keyboard shortcuts for mental speed.

Reusable symbol creation templates, masters, and reusable and customizable component libraries.

Interactive Prototype

Links allow you to generate simple prototypes for demonstration or usability testing.

Designed specifically for collaboration

  • Balsamiq Wireframes are designed specifically for collaboration

The software team used Balsamiq to gather around the right design: user experience designers like familiar keyboard shortcuts. Product managers have an easy-to-use tool to share their ideas. Developers like its speed, power, and geek.

  • Collaborate easily with Balsamiq Wireframes

Consultants like it: bring it to customer meetings and design their requirements in real-time. Business owners themselves use it to promote ideas and obtain quotes. Goodbye feature creep!

Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software LOGO

Official website:https://balsamiq.com/wireframes/desktop/

Download Center:https://wireframesfordesktop.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual processing

Operating platform:Windows、macOS

Interface language:Supports English interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Support small version updates and upgrades. (v4.x)

Pre purchase trial:Free trial for 30 days before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install all your own computers.

Replacing the computer:Deactivate and uninstall the original computer, activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:Help Menu Bar - Register-- Copy and paste license.

Special instructions:To be added.

reference material:https://balsamiq.com/wireframes/desktop/sales/

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